Social Responsibility
In my own little way, I have tried to follow the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. He has said that we must bring light to the poor and the needy. "Whoever will be ready to serve Him -- no, not Him but His children -- the poor and the downtrodden, the sinful and the afflicted, down to the very worm -- who will be ready to serve these, in them he will manifest Himself."
In a humble way, I have tried to share my knowledge with the poor villagers of Bengal and hundreds of families are now earning their livlihood.
Here is a video in two parts. This is in Bengali. This explains my work.
Training Villagers of Jayrambati in Handicraft
Training Poor Women at UDBODHAN, Baghbazar, Kolkata
Training Students in Forti Village, Mayavati, The Himalayas
We spent some days on the Himalayas in 2015. We had gone there with a purpose. The inhabitants of Forti Village, In Pithoragarh District, are poor. They have no means of earning. So we decided to train students in Art so that they can stand upon their own feet.